Browsing Institute for Social Research - Open Arcive by Title
Now showing items 126-145 of 937
Determinants of Voluntary Organizations’ Attention on Facebook: The Case of Norwegian Voluntary Organizations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Dialogbasert sykefraværsoppfølging blant innvandrede arbeidstakere
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Artikkelen undersøker sykefraværsoppfølgingen for arbeidstakere med innvandrings-bakgrunn. Vi finner at det er relativt små forskjeller i hvorvidt arbeidsgiverne følger opp syke-meldte ansatte etter innvandringsbakgrunn. ... -
Direkte valg til bydelsutvalg i Oslo 2003 : Deltakelse og representasjon
(Research report, 2004)I 2003 gjennomførte fire av Oslos bydeler for tredje gang forsøk med direkte valg til bydelsutvalg. Denne rapporten ser nærmere på betydningen bydelsvalg har for deltakelse og valgutfall, og følger opp evalueringene av ... -
Diskriminering av samer, nasjonale minoriteter og innvandrere i Norge : En kunnskapsgjennomgang
(Research report, 2015)I denne rapporten gjennomgår vi den eksisterende forskningen på likestillings- og diskrimineringsutfordringer som samer, nasjonale minoriteter og innvandrere står overfor i Norge i dag. Forskningen dokumenterer at innvandrere ... -
Diskrimineringens omfang og årsaker : Etniske minoriteters tilgang til norsk arbeidsliv
(Research report, 2012)Denne studien hviler på et omfattende empirisk datamateriale: For det første har vi gjennomført et felteksperiment, der 1800 fiktive jobbsøknader som kun skiller seg fra hverandre ved at søkerne har et utenlandsk og et ... -
Displacement and household adaptation: Insured by the spouse or the state?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014) -
Disruptive Media Events: Balancing Editorial Control and Open Dissent in the Aftermath of Terror
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Disruptive Media Events: Managing mediated dissent in the aftermath of terror
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Terror attacks force democratic societies to mobilize, reinforce and rethink core values, including media freedom and freedom of speech. The present article analyzes how one traumatic event—the 2011 Oslo terror—challenged ... -
Diversity and Community Trust in Swedish Local Communities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)This article analyses the effect of immigration-related diversity on different forms of trust through the hierarchical analysis of three levels of approximately 5,000 respondents nested in over 800 neighbourhoods and 33 ... -
Do High-Choice Media Environments Facilitate News Avoidance? A Longitudinal Study 1997–2016
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The well-known “high-choice news avoidance thesis” and the alternative “network structure perspective” stipulate somewhat conflicting expectations about news consumption in today’s digital media systems. Based on annual ... -
Do higher wages come at a price?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012) -
Do party organizations integrate multi-level states? The case of the Norwegian Local Government Reform
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Party organizations are often said to integrate the territorial levels in a political system. This article analyses how party organizations handled a specific issue – municipal amalgamations initiated by the state – in a ... -
Do Some Countries Discriminate More than Others? Evidence from 97 Field Experiments of Racial Discrimination in Hiring
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Comparing levels of discrimination across countries can provide a window into large-scale social and political factors often described as the root of discrimination. Because of difficulties in measurement, however, little ... -
Do terrorist Attacks Affect Ethnic Discrimination in the Labour Market? Evidence from Two Randomised Field Experiments
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Terrorist attacks are known to influence public opinion. But do they also change behaviour? We address this question by comparing the results of two identical randomized field experiments on ethnic discrimination in hiring ... -
Do unions contribute to creative destruction?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We apply a shift-share approach and historical unionisation data from 1918 to study the impact of regional unionisation changes in Norway on regional wage and productivity growth, job-creation and -destruction and social ... -
Does education affect immigration attitudes? Evidence from an education reform
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Empirical research consistently finds that people with high education have more liberal immigration attitudes. To what extent this relationship reflects a causal effect of education is, however, largely unknown. ... -
Does educational inequality predict exercise of users' choice? Survey evidence from domiciliary care services among elderly in Oslo, Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The traditional goal of equality in services remains at the heart of the Scandinavian welfare model; however, in recent decades, policymakers have also placed increased emphasis on user influence over services. Voice and ... -
Does Involved Fathering Produce a Larger Total Workload for Fathers Than for Mothers? Evidence from Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Objective: To compare mothers’ and fathers’total workloads within couples with different work-time arrangements in a social democratic welfare state (Norway) and explore possible changes in the 1990s and 2000s. Background: ... -
Does municipal amalgamation affect trust in local politicians? The case of Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)When municipalities merge, they grow and, at the same time, experience a comprehensive reform process, both of which may affect political trust. We explore whether and how the large-scale municipal amalgamation reforms in ...