Browsing Institute for Social Research - Open Arcive by Title
Now showing items 673-692 of 937
Public, For-Profit, and Nonprofit Welfare Institutions in Norway: Distinctive Goals and Steering Mechanisms or Hybridity in a Dominant State
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Nonprofit, public, and for-profit welfare institutions have different operational logics. The distinctiveness of a nonprofit institution is more prominent in some circumstances than in others. This paper is based on case ... -
Punished and banished: Non-citizen women's experiences in a Danish prison
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The Nordics have employed discourses of gender equality and women's rights and a welfare-oriented approach to punishment as integral parts of inclusive welfare states and their ‘goodness’. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork ... -
Quality differences of public, for-profit and non-profit providers in Scandinavian welfare? User satisfaction in kindergartens
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Research on differences between public, for-profit, and nonprofit providers of welfare services have provided mixed findings, depending on welfare state arrangement, regulation, and service area. This paper’s objective is ... -
Quasi-Market Regulation in Early Childhood Education and Care: Does a Nordic Welfare Dimension Prevail?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Until about 25 years ago, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland and Finland used a bureaucratic-professional governance model to reach common welfare goals in ECEC, something that arguably constituted a Nordic dimension. Since ... -
Reception conditions for asylum seekers in Norway and the EU
(Research report, 2007)The next four years will lay the premises for European asylum legislation and policy for years to come. A radical harmonization process is well underway. Coordinating mechanisms and common Directives have been put into ... -
Reduction or deflection? The effect of asylum policy on interconnected asylum flows
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)In 2015 Europe experienced an almost unprecedented number of asylum arrivals. The result was a revitalization of both the political and academic debates on the relationship between asylum policies and arrivals. In this ... -
Reell eller Ideell Konkurranse
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Konkurranse dreier seg ikke bare om priser og kostnader. Derfor kan ikke små åpne økonomier gjøre det bra ved bare å produsere det samme som andre land, på samme måte, men med lavere kostnader. Den reelle konkurransen ... -
Regional variation in health care utilization and mortality
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Geographic variation in health care utilization has raised concerns of possible inefficiencies in health care supply, as differences are often not reflected in health outcomes. Using comprehensive Norwegian microdata, we ... -
Registerdataanalyse: sykefravær, inkludering og frafall fra arbeidslivet. Delrapport 2
(Rapport – Institutt for samfunnsforskning, Research report, 2024)Vi undersøker utviklingen i arbeidsmarkedsdeltakelsen blant dem som står i fare for sykemelding og frafall fra arbeidslivet, etter yrker og bransjer ved å bruke registerdata om arbeidsforhold, sykefravær og helse samt en ... -
Reinterpreting the relation between motherhood and paid work: second-generation immigrant women in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)A pertinent question in contemporary Europe is whether the children of immigrants will reproduce the gender-complementary practices and ideals of the immigrant generation, which often include strong expectations that women ... -
Rekrutteringsmønstre, erfaringer og holdninger til styrearbeid blant ASA-selskapenes styrerepresentanter
(Research report, 2010)Høsten 2009 gjennomførte Institutt for samfunnsforskning en spørreundersøkelse blant alle styremedlemmer i norske allmennaksjeselskaper. Formålet var å øke kunnskapen om hvordan styremedlemmer rekrutteres, hva slags ... -
Religion og sosial kapital : Hva viser internasjonale spørreundersøkelser?
(Research report, 2013)Putnam og Campbell hevder i boka American Grace (2010) at religiøst aktive amerikanere er mer tillitsfulle og mer engasjerte borgere enn ikke-troende. Hovedmekanismen er deltakelse i religiøst baserte nettverk, som skal ... -
Religion, juss og rettigheter : Om skilsmisse, polygami og shari'a-råd
(Research report, 2008)Muslimske kvinner som tar initiativ til en sivilrettslig skilsmisse i Norge anses ikke alltid av omgivelsene å være skilt i henhold til islamsk lov. De kan ende opp i en situasjon beskrevet som «haltende ekteskap», og mange ... -
Resources and Intimate Partner Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Combining DHS data for 580,000 women from 30 different countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, we analyze how both the incidence and the acceptance of intimate partner violence vary across time and space, in a region with record ... -
Retirement anticipation - gendered patterns in a gender-equal society? a study of senior workers in Norway,
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Rettferdig pensjon for individer og for par? Tilpasninger og holdninger til det nye pensjonssystemet i folketrygden
(Rapport - Institutt for samfunnsforskning, Research report, 2017)I 2009 vedtok Stortinget en stor pensjonsreform som trådte i kraft 1. januar 2011. I denne rapporten presenteres resultater fra fokusgruppeintervjuer som hadde som formål å undersøke hvordan individer og par tilpasser seg ... -
Right-wing ideological constraint and vaccine refusal: The case of the COVID-19 vaccine in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Research has shown a correlation between votes for populist parties and the belief that vaccines are not important or effective. More recent investigations in the United States and France have similarly shown that attitudes ... -
Right-wing Terrorism and Out-group Trust: The Anatomy of a Terrorist Backlash
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Terrorist attacks often lead to public backlashes. Following the attacks on July 22, 2011 in Norway, Norwegians showed support for democratic values such as “openness,” “democracy,” and “tolerance” in the public debate and ...