Browsing Publikasjoner fra CRIStin by Author "Schøne, Pål"
Now showing items 1-20 of 34
Are new work practices and new technologies biased against immigrant workers?
Rosholm, Michael; Røed, Marianne; Schøne, Pål (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)Purpose – To analyse if introduction of new technologies and work practices are negatively related to the employment opportunities of immigrants. Design/methodology/approach – A representative plant level panel survey ... -
Automation and worker organisation
Umblijs, Janis; Schøne, Pål; Finseraas, Henning (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this study, we estimate the effect of workplace automation on the probability of unionization,examining different worker groups in the manufacturing sector in Norway. The results show thatautomation increases the ... -
Best på skolen. Best på jobben?
Barth, Erling; Schøne, Pål (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012) -
Bidrag og belønning : Om innvandrere i det norske arbeidsmarkedet
Kolsrud, Dag; Røed, Marianne; Schøne, Pål; von Simson, Kristine (Rapport - Institutt for samfunnsforskning, Research report, 2016)I løpet av de siste tretti årene har andelen av befolkningen med innvandrerbakgrunn økt fra ca. 3 til ca. 16 prosent. Denne utviklingen har selvsagt påvirket arbeidsstyrkens sammensetning med hensyn til kulturell bakgrunn, ... -
Children and the Gender Gap in Management
Hardoy, Ines; Schøne, Pål; Østbakken, Kjersti Misje (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Women are typically less likely to hold management positions than men. Despite the converging roles of men and women in several labour market outcomes, the gender management gap is persistent. In this paper, we analyse the ... -
Chutes and Ladders? Job Opportunities for Generation Covid
Barth, Erling; Dale-Olsen, Harald; Schøne, Pål; Østbakken, Kjersti Misje (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Focusing on jobs for youth, this study analyzes the development of job postings in Norway during the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Jobs for youth are defined by the top 20 three-digit occupations ... -
Displacement and household adaptation: Insured by the spouse or the state?
Hardoy, Ines; Schøne, Pål (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014) -
Does the clustering of immigrant peers affect the school performance of natives?
Hardoy, Ines; Schøne, Pål (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013) -
Does the impact of plant closure on labour market attachment differ between immigrants and native workers across the business cycle?
Hardoy, Ines; Schøne, Pål (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014) -
Enticing even higher female labor supply: the impact of cheaper day care
Hardoy, Ines; Schøne, Pål (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015) -
Family Matters: The Impact of National Policies on Asylum Destinations
Brekke, Jan-Paul; Røed, Marianne; Schøne, Pål (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In political and academic debates, a knowledge gap exists regarding the impact of different strands of national policies on the number of asylum arrivals. This article analyzes the effects of policy reforms on the distribution ... -
Flyktningers deltagelse i arbeid og utdanning, før og etter introduksjonsordningen
Røed, Marianne; Schøne, Pål; Umblijs, Janis (Rapport – Institutt for samfunnsforskning, Research report, 2019)For å gi flyktninger grunnleggende kompetanse, og dermed en mer solid basis for å delta i arbeid og utdanning, startet myndighetene i 2004 introduksjonsordningen for flyktninger. Dette er et to- til treårig heltids ... -
Forskyvninger i skolestart: Hvilken rolle spiller kjønn og sosial bakgrunn
Cools, Sara; Schøne, Pål; Strøm, Marte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Regelen i norsk skole er at barn begynner på skolen det kalenderåret de fyller 6 år. Vi ser på mønsteret i utsatt og fremskutt skolestart etter kjønn og foreldrenes utdanning. Gutter født i siste kvartal av året har 2,3 ... -
Imitation, Contagion, or Exertion? Using a Tax Reform to Reveal How Colleagues' Sick Leaves Influence Worker Behaviour
Dale-Olsen, Harald; Østbakken, Kjersti Misje; Schøne, Pål (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)We analyse the social interaction effects in sick-leave behaviour in the workplace, using high-quality Norwegian matched employer–employee data with detailed individual information on sick leaves during the 2004–2006 period. ... -
Immigrant Concentration and Student Outcomes in Upper Secondary Schools: Norwegian Evidence
Hardoy, Ines; Mastekaasa, Arne; Schøne, Pål (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)We analyse the effects of immigrant concentration on two measures of native students’ outcomes in upper secondary schools in Norway, completion and exam grades. Administrative data for full cohorts of new students 2002-2008 ... -
Immigration and native investments in human capital
Røed, Marianne; Schøne, Pål (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013) -
Impact of Immigration on Inhabitants' Educational Investments
Røed, Marianne; Schøne, Pål (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)We examine whether immigration into the labour market of the building and construction (BaC) industry affects enrolment in vocational programmes that teach the skills required in this industry. Results suggest that a higher ... -
In scearch of the glass ceiling: gender and recruitment to management in Norway's state bureaucracy
Storvik, Aagoth Elise Lossius; Schøne, Pål (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2008) -
International labor market competition and wives’ labor supply responses
Schøne, Pål; Strøm, Marte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Kjønnsforskjeller i ledelse: Kohort eller -livsløp?
Hardoy, Ines; Schøne, Pål; Østbakken, Kjersti Misje (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Kvinner er fortsatt underrepresentert i lederposisjoner. I denne artikkelen undersøker vi om den lave andelen kvinner i lederstillinger kan tilbakeføres til forskjeller mellom kohorter eller om dette er en konsekvens av ...