Browsing Institute for Social Research - Open Arcive by Author "Vabo, Signy Irene"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
A framework for analyzing organizational culture among politicians: Exploring implications for participatory governance schemes
Vabo, Signy Irene; Winsvold, Marte Slagsvold (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this article, we develop a theoretical framework for investigating how organizational culture relates to the roles of elected representatives. Based on Douglas's grid and group logic, our framework evaluates two cultural ... -
Competing perspectives on participatory arrangements: Explaining the attitudes of elected representatives
Klausen, Jan Erling; Vabo, Signy Irene; Winsvold, Marte Slagsvold (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this article, we investigate elected representatives’ attitudes to citizen participation and the design of participatory arrangements. We distinguish between citizenship-oriented and governance-oriented attitudes. Whereas ... -
How well do participatory governance arrangements serve political leadership?
Winsvold, Marte; Vabo, Signy Irene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Participatory governance arrangements are assumed to strengthen elected representatives' capacity for political leadership. This study argues that the relationship between participatory arrangements and perceived political ... -
Lokalpolitisk lederskap og medvirkning ved kommunesammenslåinger
Winsvold, Marte; Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær; Houlberg, Kurt; Klausen, Jan Erling; Saglie, Jo; Segaard, Signe Bock; Vabo, Signy Irene (Rapport - Institutt for samfunnsforskning, Research report, 2015)Sommeren 2014 ga Stortinget sin tilslutning til regjeringens forslag om å gjennomføre en kommunereform i Norge, med det mål å skape større og mer robuste kommuner. En slik reform stiller store krav til lokalt politisk ...