Browsing Institute for Social Research - Open Arcive by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 989
A framework for analyzing organizational culture among politicians: Exploring implications for participatory governance schemes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this article, we develop a theoretical framework for investigating how organizational culture relates to the roles of elected representatives. Based on Douglas's grid and group logic, our framework evaluates two cultural ... -
A gender-generation gap in political representation? The contingent impact of preference voting in Norwegian municipal elections
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The article analyses the impact of preference votes on the gender balance in municipal councils in Norway, and to what extent this impact varies with candidates’ age, party and local context. We compare actual representation ... -
A Human Interest Economy: The Strategic Value of Turning Ordinary People into Exemplars in the News Media
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article explores how personal experience in the form of human interest stories has become a road to visibility, legitimacy, and impact for organizational actors and interest groups. Focusing on news media representations ... -
A Platform for Individualized Campaigning? Social Media and Parliamentary Candidates in the 2009 Norwegian Election Campaign
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011) -
A Review of Family Demographics and Family Policies in the Nordic Countries
(Journal article, 2014)Family policies in the Nordic countries gain international attention.1 An important reason for this is that they appear to produce good results: the Nordic countries combine comparatively high levels of fertility with high ... -
A socialization paradox: trade union policy cooperation in the case of the enforcement directive of the posting of workers directive
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)The formulation of common political positions from the trade union movement at the European Union (EU) level mainly takes place at the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). In the case of the Enforcement Directive of ... -
A woman’s cause? Popular attitudes towards pension credits for childcare in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)In many countries – including Norway – concerns about the persistent gender gap in pensions have led to the introduction of child credits that compensate mothers for losing accrued pension rights while they care for small ... -
Absenteeism, efficiency wages, and marginal taxes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)In this paper, I test the argument that increased taxes on earnings correspond to increased incentives to shirk, thus causing an increase in the rate of worker absenteeism. After fixed job effects are taken into account, ... -
Accounting for Contemporary Antisemitism: A Four-Dimensional Framework and a New Dataset
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Existing scholarship on contemporary antisemitism tends to sacrifice breadth for depth, typically focusing on a specific dimension of the phenomenon or a single national or ideological context. This nearsightedness threatens ... -
Accounting for Contemporary Antisemitism: A Four-Dimensional Framework and a New Dataset
(Journal article, 2023)Existing scholarship on contemporary antisemitism tends to sacrifice breadth for depth, typically focusing on a specific dimension of the phenomenon or a single national or ideological context. This myopia threatens to ... -
Active citizenship in public and nonprofit schools – the case of Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Actual and Preferred Working Time : Regulations, incentives and the present debate on working time in Norway.
(Research report, 2001)I internasjonal sammenheng har Norge en meget høy sysselsettingsrate. I følge den komparative studien Employment Options of the Future, som ble gjennomført i 16 europeiske land i 1998, er sysselsettingsraten (for personer ... -
Adolescent Health Inequality Across Immigrant Generations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Purpose: Evidence on whether the immigrant health paradox (i.e., immigrants having better health than natives of nonmigrant background) extends to children and youth is mixed and often based on self-reported survey data. ... -
Advancing Women’s Representation in Top Academic Positions at Nordic Universities – What Works?
(Research Report, 2024) -
Advancing women’s representation in top academic positions–what works?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Aktivitetsplikt for unge mottakere av sosialhjelp: Delrapport 1
(Rapport – Institutt for samfunnsforskning, Research report, 2019)Fra 1. januar 2017 har alle kommuner vært pålagt å innføre aktivitetsplikt til alle brukere av økonomisk sosialhjelp som er under 30 år. Tidligere var det mulig å stille vilkår om aktivitet, men det var opp til den enkelte ... -
Aktivt likestillingsarbeid
(Research report, 2024) -
Aldring i en innvandrernisje på arbeidsmarkedet. Lederblikk på eldre innvandrere med fysisk krevende jobber
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Eldre arbeidstakere med innvandrerbakgrunn er en voksende gruppe på det norske arbeidsmarkedet, men det finnes lite forskning om situasjonen deres. I denne artikkelen diskuteres hvordan ledere ser på denne gruppas styrker, ... -
All about the Party? Constituency Representation—and Service—in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)The article investigates the relationship between Norwegian MPs and their home constituency. The approach is based on the concept of constituency representation, which combines representational focus and constituency ... -
Alle til lags : Frivillighetssentralene i nærmiljøet
(Research report, 2008)Politiske myndigheter ønsker at de norske frivillighetssentralene skal fungere som nærmiljøsentraler. Men hva ligger i en slik betegnelse, og i hvilken grad tilfredsstiller dagens sentraler normene for en slik sentral? I ...