Browsing Institute for Social Research - Open Arcive by Author "Reisel, Liza"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Advancing Women’s Representation in Top Academic Positions at Nordic Universities – What Works?
Drange, Ida; Pietilä, Maria; Reisel, Liza; Silander, Charlotte; Teigen, Mari (Research Report, 2024) -
Advancing women’s representation in top academic positions–what works?
Drange, Ida; Pietilä, Maria; Reisel, Liza; Silander, Charlotte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Are Gender Gaps in Education Leaving Less Educated Men Behind in the Labor Market?
Reisel, Liza; Seehuus, Sara (Research Report, 2024) -
Betydningen av sosial bakgrunn for kjønnsdeling i høyere utdanning
Seehuus, Sara Marie Jorunn; Reisel, Liza (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Både i Norge og andre vestlige land er det dokumentert en tydelig nedgang i kjønnssegregeringen mellom fag i høyere utdanning på 1970- og 80-tallet. Denne trenden har siden stagnert, og artikkelen omhandler sammenhengen ... -
Characteristics or Returns: Understanding Gender Pay Inequality among College Graduates in the USA
Dressel, Joanna; Attewell, Paul; Reisel, Liza; Østbakken, Kjersti Misje (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Dynamics of Claims Making and Gender Wage Gaps in the United States and Norway
Reisel, Liza; Østbakken, Kjersti Misje; Attewell, Paul (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)This paper compares claims making and gender wage gaps in the United States and Norway, and asks how public sector employment moderates the association between gender segregation and the gender gap in wages in the two ... -
Gender segregation in vocational education: Introduction
Reisel, Liza; Hegna, Kristinn; Imdorf, Christian (Chapter, 2015)This introductory chapter develops the overall research focus and the aim of the present special issue ‘Gender segregation in vocational education’. Against the backdrop of strong horizontal gender segregation in vocational ... -
Hva slags problem er kjønnsulikhet i akademia?
Mangset, Marte; Orupabo, Julia; Reisel, Liza; Teigen, Mari (Chapter, 2022) -
Kjønnsbalanse på toppen? Sektorvariasjon i næringsliv, akademia, offentlig sektor og organisasjonsliv
Teigen, Mari; Reisel, Liza (Rapport - Institutt for samfunnsforskning;2017:11, Research report, 2017)Denne rapporten undersøker variasjon i andelen kvinner i toppstillinger på tvers av sektorer av norsk samfunns- og arbeidsliv, samt tiltak for å fremme kjønnsbalanse i lederstillinger. Sektorene som inngår i undersøkelsen ... -
Kjønnsdelte utdannings- og yrkesvalg: En kunnskapsoppsummering
Reisel, Liza; Skorge, Øyvind Søraas; Uvaag, Stian (Rapport – Institutt for samfunnsforskning, Research report, 2019)Denne rapporten har som formål å kartlegge og oppsummere den forskningsbaserte kunnskapen om kjønnsdelte utdannings- og yrkesvalg og tiltak for å motvirke disse. Rapporten er skrevet på oppdrag fra Barne-, ungdoms- og ... -
Kjønnssegregering og mobilitet i det norske arbeidsmarkedet
Østbakken, Kjersti Misje; Reisel, Liza; Schøne, Pål; Barth, Erling (Rapport - Institutt for samfunnsforskning;2017:09, Research report, 2017) -
Legal harmonization and intersectionality in swedish and norwegian anti-discrimination reform
Reisel, Liza (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)This article investigates to what extent the challenging questions emerging from the intersectionality literature have been addressed in the process of reforming antidiscrimination legislation in Sweden and Norway. I find ... -
National Policies Supporting Gender Equality in Academic Careers: Are the “Global Leaders” Doing What It Takes?
Silander, Charlotte; Reisel, Liza; Drange, Ida; Pietilä, Maria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Norway: Ethnic (In)equality in a Social Democratic Welfare State
Reisel, Liza; Hermansen, Are Skeie; Kindt, Marianne Takvam (Chapter, 2019) -
Promoting Gender Equality in STEM-oriented Universities: Institutional Policy Measures in sweden, Finland and Norway
Silander, Charlotte; Drange, Ida; Pietilä, Maria; Reisel, Liza (Chapter, 2022) -
SheFigures Norden: Kvinner i akademia
Teigen, Mari; Reisel, Liza (Research report, 2024) -
Socioeconomic background and high school completion: Mediation by health and moderation by national context
Sznitman, Sharon R.; Reisel, Liza; Kurana, Atika (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)This study uses longitudinal data from the Norwegian Health Study linked with registry data (n = 13262) and the U.S. National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (n = 3604) to examine (1) whether adolescent health mediates ... -
Stabilitet og endring i det kjønnsdelte arbeidsmarkedet
Reisel, Liza (Research report, 2019)Kvinner og menn jobber i stor grad i ulike yrker, sektorer og bransjer i det norske arbeidsmarkedet. Kjønnsdelingen på arbeidsmarkedet har konsekvenser for kjønnsgapet i lønn, kjønnsgapet i arbeidstid, og bidrar til ... -
The Equality Hurdle: Resolving the Welfare State Paradox
Barth, Erling; Reisel, Liza; Østbakken, Kjersti Misje (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article revisits a central tenet of the welfare state paradox, also known as the inclusion-equality trade-off. Using large-scale survey data for 31 European countries and the United States collected over a recent ... -
The impact of having a child with special needs: Labour market adaptations of immigrant and majority mothers
Reisel, Liza; Nadim, Marjan; Brekke, Idunn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article compares how having a child with special needs shapes the labour market adaptations of immigrant and majority mothers. We use longitudinal data from Norwegian public registers including all women who gave birth ...