• Accounting for Contemporary Antisemitism: A Four-Dimensional Framework and a New Dataset 

      Enstad, Johannes Due (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Existing scholarship on contemporary antisemitism tends to sacrifice breadth for depth, typically focusing on a specific dimension of the phenomenon or a single national or ideological context. This nearsightedness threatens ...
    • Accounting for Contemporary Antisemitism: A Four-Dimensional Framework and a New Dataset 

      Enstad, Johannes Due (Journal article, 2023)
      Existing scholarship on contemporary antisemitism tends to sacrifice breadth for depth, typically focusing on a specific dimension of the phenomenon or a single national or ideological context. This myopia threatens to ...
    • Det eldste hatet i en ny tid 

      Enstad, Johannes Due (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Det hevdes ofte at det 21. århundret ble vitne til en dramatisk økning i omfanget av jødehat, og at dette er en «ny» antisemittisme som skiller seg fra middelalderens religiøse antijudaisme og den moderne epokens rasistiske ...