Browsing Tidsskriftpublikasjon, fagartikler by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 27
Hva er rettferdig pensjon? Befolkningens oppfatninger om alderspensjonen i folketrygden
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)En rekke land har gjennomført omfattende pensjonsreformer de senere årene, likevel finnes det lite kunnskap om hvordan befolkningen faktisk ønsker at pensjonssystemene skal se ut. I denne artikkelen søker vi å belyse denne ... -
Family Migration and Integration: The Need for a New Research Agenda
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This article investigates the link between family migration and integration. It is based on a literature review of existing research across the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, focusing ... -
Quality differences of public, for-profit and non-profit providers in Scandinavian welfare? User satisfaction in kindergartens
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Research on differences between public, for-profit, and nonprofit providers of welfare services have provided mixed findings, depending on welfare state arrangement, regulation, and service area. This paper’s objective is ... -
Labour immigration and union strength
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Is labour mobility in the European Union a threat to the strength of unions? We argue that the combination of cheap labour, workforce heterogeneity and low unionisation among labour immigrants is a potential challenge for ... -
Immigrants and the 'caring father': Inequality in access to and utilisation of parental leave in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
The gender difference in sickness absence: Do managers evaluate men and women differently with regard to the appropriateness of sickness absence?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Aims: Women have much higher rates of sickness absence than men, but the causes of the difference are not well understood. This study examines whether managers have more lenient attitudes toward women’s than toward men’s ... -
When metaphors become cognitive locks: occupational pension reform in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
When do consultative referendums improve democracy? Evidence from local referendums in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Consultative referendums may provide crucial information about public opinion but have received little attention in the literature compared with their binding counterparts. In this article, we analyse 221 Norwegian local ... -
Embracing gender equality: Gender-role attitudes among second-generation immigrants in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)BACKGROUND The consequences of immigration for gender equality is of high public concern. A key issue is to what extent the children of immigrants adopt the more gender-egalitarian work–family attitudes and practices ... -
Ulikhet og ideologi: Hva kan norsk samfunnsforskning lære av Piketty?
(Journal article, 2020)Med utgivelsen av Capital in the Twenty-First Century i 2013, satte Thomas Piketty ulikhet på dagsordenen med en kraft som er få akademiske utgivelser forunt. Forskere, allment samfunnsinteresserte så vel som politikere, ... -
Kontinuitet og kontrovers i norsk samfunnsforskning
(Journal article, 2020)I år er det 60 år siden Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning (TfS) ble etablert. Jubileet ble feiret med et spesialnummer (TfS nr. 1/2020), der vitenskapshistorikeren Fredrik Thue ga sin versjon av TfS’ opprinnelse og utvikling ... -
Losing the Right to Stay: Revocation of Refugee Permits in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Following the record number of asylum seekers to Europe in 2015, Norway intensified its practice of revoking migrants’ residence permits and citizenships, which primarily affected refugees and their families, and reflects ... -
Institutt for samfunnsforskning 70 år : Refleksjoner over noen lange linjer
(Journal article, 2020) -
Om å få sosiologien på rett kjøl igjen
(Journal article, 2020) -
Does educational inequality predict exercise of users' choice? Survey evidence from domiciliary care services among elderly in Oslo, Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The traditional goal of equality in services remains at the heart of the Scandinavian welfare model; however, in recent decades, policymakers have also placed increased emphasis on user influence over services. Voice and ... -
What Shapes National Responses to EU Public Procurement Policy? The Case of Health and Social Services in Norway, Germany and England
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article investigates responses to EU public procurement directives in Norway, England and Germany, with a particular focus on health and social services. We used a comparative national patterns approach to analyse ... -
Spranget fra hvem som er rasist, til når, hvor og hvordan
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Økonomene har overtatt pensjonspolitikken
(Journal article, 2022) -
Forskeren og ekstremisten: – Jeg fikk en vond følelse i magen
(Journal article, 2024)Da Signe Bock Segaard kom over foruroligende informasjon i datamaterialet, stod hun overfor et forskningsetisk dilemma: Skulle hun melde fra eller ikke?